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Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Jigglypuff of Mount. Doom Signalled The Death Of The Unicorns

Back to the Lala phenomenon again.

We all know that Lalas have established their own internet lingo.
orhx, muacks, XD, lolx is what they have in their vocabulary. There's more to it, of course.

Notice that the Lalas add an X to every word they type.
For example :
fuckx youx
makex lovex
and so on.

Therefore, it is very simple to identify a Lala. Just see how they type.
Do you type like a Lala?

If you do, you are in danger of being eaten up by the Lalas, just like this poor kitten.

* It's total bullshit, sure Lalas use orhx and XD, but they certainly don't put an X after every word.
* Also, thanks Ian, for FINALLY deciding to join us.
* How do people even type like this : BEEDEO NO RONGER ABAILABEL!!!