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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Norman Borlaug Is Someone You Probably Haven't Heard Of

Have there been instances where someone promised to be at a place, but didn't turn up, and right before the meeting time, sms-ed you instead of calling you and gave you a lame excuse?
In Cantonese, we have a term for it, Fong Fei Kei.
In Mandarin, it is 放飞机.
In English, it literally means Letting the Plane Go.
No one really knows how this term came about.

It is one of the worst kind of betrayal a human being can receive, and just might damage relationships.
I am ashamed of myself, I have Fong Fei Kei-ed and got Fong Fei Kei-ed by people.
Have you ever done it? Have you ever received it? And how did it feel?

Let us take vows to never Fong Fei Kei anyone.