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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Third Post In One Day, This Is A Hint La!

Read this. Cannot ah? Aiya, no worries, cause RPK got write on this. So see this instead la.

One point not mentioned in RPK's article I have to paste here la.

"So I have the authority (to hold the proceeding) in accordance to Article 36A (1) (b) of the state constitution."
The entire Article 36A makes no mention of the deputy speaker's powers. Instead, it provides technical details such as the speaker's renumeration and how the speaker can be disqualified if found to have commercial interests.
However, Article 36A (3) reads: "During the absence of the speaker from a sitting of the Legislative Assembly, such members as may be determined by the rules of procedure (Standing Orders) of the assembly, shall act as Speaker."
Hee said that contrary to accusations by Pakatan Rakyat, she had not abused her power by "robbing" Sivakumar of his rights as speaker.
"I don't deny that the speaker (is in charge). But when he cannot administrate the House, I can take over to continue his duties.
"I hope everyone understands. I am fulfilling my duties. I'm not abusing my powers or robbing the speaker of his powers," Hee added.

You see right, until now she don't faham, people elected her because she was in DAP. DAP! My mom call her 汉奸, I quite agree la. But I have to add she also 脑袋空的. Elected representative that don't know the law!

Even Marina Mahatir(daughter of Dr Mahatir) also cannot tahan her la!
Cause you know why? These female Barisan assemblywomen(and so called independent who favours BN) say that physical scuffle tantamount to sexual harrassment wor! I think it's more like they abusing the feminist movement la.