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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This City Can Be Hard

Why are mothers so scary?

There's more to this shitzz.
Wait for it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Circle of Life" is just so Nice!

Hey, it has been 3 months since we started college.

So how's your daily schedule now?

For me,

I wake up everyday around 7:15. Leaves home around 7:45, and reach college near 8.

My class ends at 2:30 or 3:30, and I need to stay back until 4:30-5:00 due to transportation problem.

I normally reach home around 5:20 after fetching my friend Lea to LRT station.

Then I'll online and forget to do any homework or project, like now.

What's your daily life like?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Zam-Buk Damn Hard To Open

So you've opened the manhole.
And decided against going down the manhole.
Because you're afraid to see the truth.

This dude climbs up the manhole and appears at your front door.

You should have bloody closed the manhole before leaving hastily.
On a side note, the pope never fails to show the ignorance of the Church. The Catholic Church, seriously, what a bunch of lunatics.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pink Trees Roaming The Lands Of Men

Sometimes, when we are in the position to influence others, we have to be very careful with our words.
It is especially advised not to express your opinion on a subject or issue if what you have got to say is based on hearsay.
Be it on Tibet, or Mao Tse Tsung, or Perak's constitutional crisis, or the Big Bang, or Evolution(which i will never call a theory, because it is a fact), or religion, or even George W. Bush.(The list goes on) It would be much better to be well informed on something before delving into it and forming opinions.

once said, "He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth."

When you stare down a manhole, you should not just stand up there and speculate, but go down there and see what's inside.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Deborah Tralalalala

There are a few contributors of this blog that are going to hell(according to the Christian faith).

Me of course. Not to forget that atheist Lee Young. Li Chung is definitely going down under as well, a deist, well, you can go to hell too! I'm not sure about Xian Tze(apparently an atheist) but I'm quite sure he never mentioned anything about professing to the Christian faith and so he's going to hell. For sakai, it's simple really, he believes in a God, but not that of the Abrahamic faiths, deism is like shit to the Christian faith, so off you go to hell, sakai. Ian Beh, the lucky guy, has already guaranteed a position in heaven, so no biggie for him.

But then again, according to the Muslim and Jewish faith, all 6 of us are going to hell. This is all really confusing stuff, because you think you're going to heaven, but someone might say you're not, because you don't believe in his God.

So just sit back and enjoy life, do what you wanna do, bla bla, and don't concern yourself with religion. Because you'll have a hard time choosing the 'right' God, and even if you have, you might be 'wrong' anyway.(Imagine arriving at the gates of heaven, and God[whichever one] tells you to bugger off to hell because you believed in the wrong God, what a waste of time it would have been doing all your worshiping in your holy places)

Pitting Pure Good against Pure Evil, and who wins? Such a big topic to tackle, and unfortunately, such a battle will only exist in the realms of fiction. No such entities exist in the world, the line between good and evil is as blur as it gets.
You live by what you think is right, and that's it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time To Restore Autonomy In This Country

What happens tomorrow...is beautifully depicted in this picture :

SPM results
, something that has been the talk of the town for the past week, time to put it pass us, tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Father is like USA, The Mother like Russia

Gutteruncensored.com finally decided to post these pictures up.
It shows the sons of Nazri Aziz(Minister in the Prime Minister's department)and of course, Najib(Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister) having fun and uh, doing some very unIslamic things.

I cannot judge, nor can you, nor can anyone else. What might appear to be the case might not be the case at all. While people might look drunk, that doesn't mean they are drunk. While people may seem to be dressing extravagantly and doing extravagant things and looking very much like a rich kid, that doesn't mean the money is coming from taxpayers.

Look at the pictures, and just ask yourself this, "Do I still want to remain as a Malaysian citizen?"

Got money, get pussy. Reality of life.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Meeting With Kyouyama

Everyone's a hypocrite.
I'm a hypocrite.

I can rant about the injustice of our government, their abuse of power, the corruption taking place in this country, the politicians who would take bribes and forego their principles.
Yet I am the same person perpetuating corruption, I paid the bribe to get my driving license.

shout and wail about the children in Africa, telling people not to waste food, to be grateful that they do not need to go hungry, and make it a point to finish the food on my plate.
Yet when I am unable to finish the food on my plate, I'd say, "Fuck the African kids."

I would complain about the uncontrollable number of illegal and legal foreign workers in this country. I see a foreign worker cooking in a hawker centre, I'd be the first to exclaim, "They are deteriorating the quality of our food!"
I see a foreign worker working as a waiter and unable to speak basic Bahasa Malaysia or English and would shout in frustration, "Bring me someone who can understand and speak properly!"
I read the newspapers about another crime committed by an Indonesian maid towards her employer, or snatch thefts, or anything of that sort, and I would curse, "Those damn illegal immigrants!"
Yet I would be the first person to complain about things being expensive, food being expensive. And since I am demanding for everything to be cheap, wouldn't businesses employ cheap labour to satisfy me?

So here I am, frustrated, unhappy, discontented, talking and not acting. Preaching hate, and not solutions.
Edward Elric of FMA used three words to sum up the human race,

Everyone's a hypocrite.

Sunday, March 01, 2009


An elephant trying to destroy a piano.