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Monday, August 18, 2008

Kokocrunch Grew On The Villian's Ass

Chong Wei's voyage in the Olympics could only be described as :
为山九仞, 功亏一篑.

As for his future :
往者不可谏, 来者犹可追.

And of course, his career :
人固有一死, 或重于泰山, 或轻于鸿毛.

It was so near yet so far.
There is still a chance for him to make up for past mistakes.
He can end his career as one of the best badminton player ever.

But of course, he must remember :
You reap what you sow.

It is up to him, whether or not for this day onwards, he will put in much more effort, much more determination, in the one thing he knows best : Badminton.

The sky's the limit.