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Sunday, August 31, 2008

M stands for Martyrdom

First, Happy Birthday to Mr Ooi Tuan Hann. You turn 17 today as our country turns 51. Best wishes to you, not the country. >=)

Anyways, Merdeka. I don't know about you, but do you feel any what patriotic? To me, it's just only any typical sunday where you just laze around at home, taking a well-deserved break from your hectic week.

Go to Dataran Merdeka and watch sub-standard performances? Wave mini M'sia flags? Sing the national anthem which sounds so suspiciously familiar to an old song?

I think not. 'cause i have no feelings for this country. Technically, this isn't even MY country.

and because of that, the Goverment decided to 'kena' us by throwing our little ugly butts into NS. Thank you Malaysia. We 'love' you for that. Pfft.