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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Live Long, and Prosper.


Young Earth Creationists are the dumbest, most illogical and absurd bigots I've known.

I mean, seriously, with that amount of evidences, they deny facts and believe that the Earth is around 7000 years old!

It's tantamount to saying that pigs REALLY can fly.

YECs derived the age of Earth from their scripture and put loads of faith on it.

Faith, as we know, means "believing without evidence". While some faith aren't as bigoted as others, this particular faith tends to reject any opposing theories or explanations, even if presented with a mountain of evidences and facts.

This makes the YECs rejects science.

So, when you encounter a YEC that rejects science, ask him with such questions:

"You believe that the Earth is only thousands of years old even a multitude of evidences and facts suggested the contrary. What are your reasons behind?"

"Fossils which are dated billions of years old have been discovered by scientists. What is your explanation then, for the fact that several dating methods that subsequently conformed the date of the fossils are way larger than the thousands of years you believe in?"

"On what basis or theory are you to say that the dating techniques used by scientists are wrong?"

"We know that evolution take place for a long time, and we've seen and observed evolution taking place in our world. The overwhelming amount of evidences that supports evolution also suggested that evolution took (and is still taking) place on Earth for billions of years. What is your reason to disbelieve in evolution then?"

"Is it logical for a person to believe in something without any supporting evidence or fact, opposing and neglecting the discoveries made by science, which are backed by facts and evidences, universal agreement in the scientific community, and numerous justifications?"

Certainly, they'll invoke their scripture and god to terminate the question.

In other words, they can't answer the questions.

And the only solution to them is god.

To all of you who don't have experience in such debates/arguments, the solution fills in the gaps left (and created) by science. Ask anyone whether they still believe that rain and thunder are expressions show by god. That gap was filled by science long, long time ago.

P.S: I just watched Star Trek few days ago. Really awesome!