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Friday, August 01, 2008

Rainbows Grow On Your Head When You're Happy

Sometimes, we land ourselves in deep shit, not literally, of course.
At times like this, it is always good to stay optimistic.

There are three kinds of deep shit :
1) Mild deep shit (like when you forgot to bring your textbooks that your teacher requires you to bring)
2) Regular deep shit (like when you piss your teachers off by talking back at her)
3) Big deep shit (like when you come in late for lessons and your teacher gets those unexplainable angry fits and she tells you off, either never wanting to see you in class again, or asks you to go to the discipline room)

When you are in the biggest of the deep shits, please remain calm, keep your cool, give her a big good smile. Then go home and smash something, smash it real hard.

Please remember this cute rabbit in times of anger, for it still looks cute and happy even though it appears to be stuck in a cup (mild deep shit).